Biblical Jews


Descendants of the Biblical Jews


19 Responses to Biblical Jews

  1. Brian Papin says:

    Where can I purchase a print of the original picture of Jesus?

    • That’s a good question. Here’s an assignment: try to buy it at your local Christian bookstore. If they don’t stock the prints, ask them why not?
      Also, could it be the US has made a concerted effort to engage in a war with Syria as an excuse to surreptitiously destroy the painting?

  2. Uhuru says:

    What’s more pagan than a myth base on supplanting your brother for his birthright or writing ones’ version of a pagan practice of crucifixion or a theatrical play demonstrating ones hate for a Moor. Jacob, James I & Iago are the original pagans who are outside the boundary of the sun’s warmth, far from tropics and a wild man of the forest far from the love of humanity.

    • Still waiting for you to answer my question: What are you prepared to do about it?

      • uhuru iman says:

        Oh, forgive me.  I shall stand and confront them at every turn, defend my manhood/humanity every moment and continue to shed light on those forces of darkness who are bent on enslaving humanity,… BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!  So are you with me? I know that you are my comrade.

  3. Uhuru says:

    …to those who are awake.

  4. Uhuru says:

    Cabal,… Christians,Moslem & Jews. The original heathens ,pagans & infidels against humanity.

    • Uhuru says:

      Only if one ascribe to that myth of abraham and his god, and have subscribe to his god of creating man on the 6th day,and to describe without facts how the world is 5775 A.M. yrs old, and prescribe to the vav hebrew letter, midrash six orders, six point star, the sixth commandment, the six hundred thousand men coming up out of egypt, the six million souls at peril in newspapers between 1915-1938, from superman to batman and from the green lantern to the six million dollar man. The use of the number 6 is obvious to those who are await.
      Truth is hate speech!

  5. gitardood says:

    The reason “THEY” can do what they do to you or me, ie like charging you falsely, is because you reside in their jurisdiction instead of sui juris – check out Karl Lentz who’s had much success in beating them. He’s got stuff on YouTube, as well as his own internet talk radio ie talkshoe listed at his site

    • Sorry, but you’re incorrect. You’ve obviously never done battle with these people in real life. You can claim whatever jurisdiction you want (all of my later court cases were addressed as “sui juris”), THEY have the guns.

      Until guys like you grow the balls to face these guys on their own terms, everything else is meaningless, as is the talk show you mentioned. You need to stop talking theory and put your ass in court.

      Then you’ll find out for yourself that most of these liberty gurus are frauds and their theories are unworkable unless you have support from others.

    • check out Karl Lentz who’s had much success in beating them.

      Your statement is more myth than fact.

  6. gitardood says:

    The biblical Israelites were not indigenous – descended from Avram (Avraham), Yitschak (Isaac), and Ya’acov (jacob) they were originally from Iraq aka Ur of the Chalees (Kasdiym), in the land of Shinar too – Nimrod’s homebase. When his bros, sold Joseph into slavery in Egypt, and years later famine hit , they went to Egypt (Africa) known to them as Mitsrayim,to buy grain. We can all read how Jacob their father, and the whole family then moved to Egypt where Joseph was second only to Pharaoh. As Yahuah told Avraham, “your descendents will be live in and become enslaved in another land for 400 yr ….
    They left there with Moses to go to Kena’an / Canaan which was promised to them in Avraham’s covenant with Yahuah.
    As in everything there’s good, bad, indifferent, as well as real and fake, this applies to every people including Jews. Unfortunately, all of them get tarred with the same brush as the wannabe fakes, or the just bad ones.

  7. Uhuru Iman says:


What do you think?